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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Program from Région Bretagne : MIRAGE

Participants : Liviu Ciortuz, Claire Lemaitre, Pierre Peterlongo.

The MIRAGE project is funded by Région Bretagne in the framework of the SAD call (Stratégie Attractivité Durable) which aims at attracting international post-doctorant for one year. The MIRAGE project was funded from Sept. 2012 until August 2013 and coordinated by C. Lemaitre. It enabled to hire Liviu Ciortuz as a postdoctoral student for 12 months, for developping new methods to detect complex variation (structural variations) in non-assembled NGS data.

Program from Région Bretagne : DGASP

Participants : Antonio Mucherino, Douglas Goncalves.

This project is funded by Région Bretagne in the framework of the SAD call (Stratégie Attractivité Durable), from April 2013 to March 2014 and coordinated by A. Mucherino. It enabled to hire Douglas Goncalves as a postdoctoral student for 12 months for working on a discretizable class of distance geometry problems. The project is in collaboration with Carlile Lavor (IMECC-UNICAMP, Brazil) and Jacques Nicolas (équipe Dyliss, IRISA).


Participants : Dominique Lavenier, Claire Lemaitre, Pierre Peterlongo, Erwann Scaon.

This projects aims to develop bioinformatics strategies for studying polyploid genomes. It is a one year project (09/2012 – 09/2013) funded by the University of Rennes 1. It is a joined project with CNRS/EcoBio lab and INRA/IGEPP lab in Rennes.

Partnership with IGDR

Participants : Dominique Lavenier, Claire Lemaitre, Pierre Peterlongo, Guillaume Rizk, Fabrice Legeai, Charles Deltel.

We collaborate with several teams of the Genomic and Development Institute of Rennes (IGDR) : Genetics of dog (detection of long non coding RNAs in collaboration with Thomas Derrien and Christophe Hitte) and Integrated Fonctional Genomics and Biomarkers (NGS analyses of glioblastoma cancer, project funded by INCa in collaboration with Marie de Tayrac and Jean Mosser).

Partnership with INRA

Participants : Dominique Lavenier, Claire Lemaitre, Pierre Peterlongo, Guillaume Rizk, Anaïs Gouin, Fabrice Legeai, François Moreews, Susete Alves Carvalho.

We have a strong and long term collaboration with biologists of INRA in Rennes : IGEPP and PEGASE units. This partnership concerns both service and research activities and is acted by the hosting of two ingineers (F. Legeai, F. Moreews) and by the co-supervision of two non permanent engineers (A. Gouin, S. Alves Carvalho). In particular, the collaboration with the IGEPP team includes several research projects in which Genscale is formally a partner : an INRA project PEAPOL including an industrial partner, Biogemma, and an ANR project SPECIAPHID. These projects fund the non-permanent INRA members.